Monday, June 10, 2013


I'm here to tell you that Budapest is still standing despite the extreme flooding that is occurring on the Danube River.  The water is above it normal banks by 30 feet!  Roads, tracks, tunnels are gone.  On Sunday, I believe all of Hungary descended on Budapest to witness the river crest.  The last one they had like this was 10 years ago.  Before that was 100 years.  This flooding took Europe a bit by surprise but they are handling it so well!  Here are a few pictures of the river.

In spite of the river situation, we found Budapest to be a beautiful city influenced by Vienesse and Parisian architecture.  It used to be two major cities, Buda to the west of the river and Pest to the east of the river.  It was unified in 1873 after the fall of the Hapsburg dynasty.  It is a city of bridges, all of which were destroyed during WWII.  Hungary was under Russian rule until 1989.  It joined the E.U. In 2004 but still retains its own currency.  It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.  We enjoyed taking all of the walking tours available to see most sections of the city, new and old.  They have a wonderful "Great Market Hall" next to the Liberty Bridge.  

Here is bed #15, Budapest Marriott.

The Great Market Hall.  My vision of what the market looked like in old Allegheny City before they tore it down.

St. Stephan's Basilica 

Other views of Budapest.  Tomorrow we leave for Prague.

1 comment:

  1. Your first picture of the yellow building under water--that is where we caught our boat cruise 5 years ago! Amazing! You will have stories to tell
