Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bruges and Brussels and Back to Bed #2

Social disruptions!  A new term for us.  Seems like the train service in Belgium decided to "strike" the day we were heading to Bruges from Amsterdam.  We made it with only a few interruptions.  Every one takes it in stride.  Strike over by the weekend because the workers get paid time and a half on Saturday and Sundays so we are told.  

Bruge is a beautiful little city on the North Sea.  It used to be the capital of shipping and trade for the Burgundian empire.  The deMedici of Florence, the Spanish empire and the English empires all had a presence here in the 14th and 15th centuries.  It is very preserved because it was not bombed during the war.

Here is a view out our bedroom window of the Church of our Lady.

This area is called Little Venice.

The market square at night.

Belgium is famous for its chocolate, it's beers and its moules/mussels.  We had a nice day with Jim and Marie enjoying all three.

Wall of beer

Brussels is the capital of the EU.  It is a beautiful city.  We had a short time here so we enjoyed walking the city, sitting in the cafes, drinking the beers and people watching.

This area is the Grote Market or Grand Palace. It consists of the old City Hall, the Palace and Guild buildings.  It is filled with tourists and outdoor cafes.

Now we are finished with this leg of our journey.  We are leaving Frankfurt tomorrow for Pittsburgh and some more adventures.  These last 6 weeks have been great.  We realize there are more people traveling than ever, more people speak English, it appears people are helpful and friendly no matter where you are, and there is still soooo much more to learn about our world.  

Hope you have enjoyed this blog as much as I have enjoyed putting it together.  It has been fun getting your comments.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to have missed you in Brussels. Enjoyed very much our time with you in Bruges. Next time you should visit Gand
