Sunday, May 26, 2013

The best of the Rhine and off to Baden-Baden

Woke up this Sunday, 5/26, morning to rain and 40 degree temps.  It didn't get much over 45 during the day with rain and fog all day.  We left Mainz after picking up a rental car and headed out for a driving tour of the Rhine River.  We took the scenic Rte 9 along the Rhine in order to see the robber-baron castles put on the top of the hills by petty rulers to levy tolls on the passing river traffic.  The steep slopes along the river banks are planted perpendicular to the river with vineyards.  Spiring is in the air.  The fields of mustard are glorious even in the fog.  Lilac bushes of white, lavender and deep purples are in full bloom.  Crepe myrtle is just starting to blossom.  The trees are lush with new growth.

We stopped to tour the Marksburg Castle which is the best preserved castle on the Rhine.  This castle has been in continuous private ownership since 1283.  It currently is owned and maintained by the German Castles Association.

Spending the night in the town of Trier on the Mosel River.  It is Germany's oldest city and the town folk brag that it was inhabited by Celts 1300 years before Rome existed according to our guide book.  We count Astoria Hotel as bed #8.  It is a small 15 room boutique hotel in the center of Trier.  It was quite charming but the best part is they serve a glass of champagne with breakfast!  Quite civil, don't you think!

Must tell you our little Renault came equipped with a GPS which is a life safer!  We have named her Inga and she is very easily understood.  She is very easily programmed even while you are in motion. Don't worry, I am acting navi-guesser while Don handles the wheel.

Monday 5/27 we woke up to sun.  Hallelujah!  We spent the morning exploring Trier before heading to Baden-Baden.  We drove the A5 for most of the trip before getting on some smaller and slower local roads.  On the A5 we had Audis, BMWs, Mercedes, Volvos, Fords, VW's, passing us at 150 kilometers an hour!  We could barely get the little Renault to 110!  We are staying in Centrum Baden-Baden at the Hotel Deutscher Kaiser.  A small 22 room hotel.   Baden-Baden is famous for its Casino and baths.  It is a very walkable and upscale city with lots do, restaurants and bier gardens and shopping.  

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