Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Off to Albany, GA

We left Charlotte on Monday, 5/13 and headed to sunny and hot Albany/Leesburg, GA and bed #5. We are in town to celebrate 210 years of life! Don's Mom is turning 90, his brother Tom just turned 70 and the baby of the family, Gayle, will be turning 50 in October. We will all be together except for Ron and Casey, who are busy with jobs and wedding planning back in CA but they will be with us via Facetime! Thank you Apple!

On Tuesday evening we attended a recital put on by Maria's voice coach, Marcy McCarty. We heard 7 amazingly talented teens ranging in age from 13 to 17. They could all be broadway stars someday! 

Today, May 16th we celebrate Nell's birthday with a special dinner at the Olive Garden with family and friends.Happy Birthday Nell, you are a beautiful woman who has raised four fabulous children.  

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